Outdoors and nature rooms, there are a lot of ways to enjoy it at your own home. It can be a large sunroom, a room with lots of windows, a tiny add on addition, a patio or deck, even just a space tucked under a tree that allows sitting, resting, reading or eating. If you are lucky enough to have a large yard, you can have several outdoor rooms tucked away for guests to enjoy as they meander thru your garden. If you are a gardener, you will probably have several such spots just to be shared with special friends.
www.bhg.com |
blog.zoostores.com |
www.cooldeco.com |
dedansdhors.fr |
desirelines.com |
gardenofsimple.tumblr |
greigedesign.blogspot.com |
HGTV.com |
houzz.com |
photo naturalhomeandgarden.com |
obeedesign.tumblr |
pinerly.com |
thegiftsoflife.tumblr |
photo courtesy the lonerangers.tumblr |
perpetural-inspiration.tumblr |
gardenacreativejourney.tumblr |
gardenacreativejourney.tumblr |
thisoldhouse.tumbler |